Today we have become more sophisticated. now we use a Fresnel lens or the 5X magnifying mirror. using these items develops concentrated energy close to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit.That is a great demonstration of the power of our Sun's energy. And it is free for the taking. On a good day, we can harness 51% of this energy.
Solar Energy Budget
According to the Energy Budget, our Earth is able to receive around 51% of the Sun's solar energy. The rest is either absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere or radiated back into space. But the 51% we receive carries quite a punch.Remember the old saying, "Either use it or lose it"? It sure applies here. every day we have this 51% of the sun's rays coming down on us. For sure, it gives us sunlight and heat, but we could be getting a lot more by taking advantage of some practical resources. Basically, there are three ways to harness the Sun's energy.
Solar Energy Cells
Solar energy fact: Solar Cells or photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity. When energy from the sun comes in contact with the cell, electrons in the two different semiconductors absorb the energy and use it to move around, creating an electrical current. Photovoltaic cells that are linked together to create a useful energy flow are called modules, which hold about 40 cells. About 10 of these modules can be mounted together to form a large array. Arrays can be used to generate electricity for a single building or, in large numbers, for a power plant.Solar Energy Collectors
Solar Energy Fact - Solar Collectors. These are probably the most affordable and practical use of solar energy. My uncle had this system back in the 1970's. Basically, he had solar panels on his roof that heated water pipes that were then carried through the house to heat water and to heat the house in the winter.The energy emitted from the sun is used to heat water. Solar water heating systems for buildings have two main parts: a solar collector and a storage tank. Typically, a flat-plate collector - a thin, flat, rectangular box with a transparent cover - is mounted on the roof, facing the sun. The sun heats an absorber plate in the collector, which, in turn, heats the water running through tubes within the collector.Solar Energy Concentrator
Solar Energy Fact - Concentrating solar power plants produce electric power by converting the sun's energy into high-temperature heat using mirror configurations. The sunlight is concentrated by parabolically curved mirrors onto a receiver pipe that runs along the inside of the curved surface. The sun's reflected energy heats oil flowing through the pipe and the heat energy is then used to generate electricity in a conventional generator. A collector field comprises many troughs in parallel rows aligned on a north-south axis to track the sun from east to west during the day. Individual trough systems currently can generate about 80 megawatts of electricity. Some systems use thermal storage during cloudy periods or at night to continue electricity production.Please visit my homepage to learn more about alternative resources and solar energy facts.